What others say about you vs. What you say about yourself
Let’s say we were at a party. (You look great by the way.)
You’re making the rounds and working the room. You find yourself in a conversation with a wonderful couple that you connect with. The laughs are flowing. The drinks are flowing. You find out they are thinking about buying a home. You go wolf mode. You have decided by the end of the night, these two lovely folks are going to “know, like and trust you” and will use you as their agent. You’ll make sure of it. You launch into how many deals you’ve done (or not), how confident you are, and how you’re gawd’s natural gift at negotiating.
I’m at the same party, but I’m with one of my best friend’s who just so happened to buy a house with me recently. We find ourselves in a circle with the same couple. Right away my bestie jumps in with a soliloquy about how dedicated I am, how responsive I am, and how they got exactly what they wanted in the end. That choosing me was the best decision they have ever made.
Which one of us would be hired?
Sorry, but it’s going to be me.
What others say about you is way more powerful and credible than you bragging about yourself. If you can, get as many past clients to give you testimonials as you can find. Put them in your presentations, online … heck, staple them to your forehead if you think they will be seen.
What others say about you is worth its weight in gold. It’s more powerful than anything you could ever say about yourself, even if you can paint a Van Gogh replica with your eyes closed.
What was the best client testimonial you’ve ever received? Did it motivate you past some tougher times? I’d love to hear about it.
Until then, keep your feet moving, chin up … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty