“You didn’t wake up this morning to be mediocre” – Captain Obvious/Unknown
I share this quote for a simple reason. To remind you of this fact:
You can’t do an average amount of actions and expect an amazing amount of results.
It just doesn’t happen. I couldn’t name to you one person who, just by sheer luck is successful today. Not one. I’m not sure “overnight success” is a thing to be frank.
Anyone who has the life, career or business you want or admire, is consistently acting large. Right now, as I write this, is a sticky note taped to the wall that says, “Think Big, Aim High”. I got up at 4:30am today to make sure I had enough time to work on all the things that matter to me (action). In my rookie years, I was successful because I outworked most other people. Period. I’m not smarter, more talented, or gifted at sales. When others were resting, I was writing notes, dropping by, or planning events and figuring out ways to take my game to a new level.
If you’re not acting large, you might want to ask yourself why not? What is the person who IS running the real estate business you want to run doing? What mega actions are they taking that are producing results?
Take out a notepad and brainstorm three. Then beside them, write down how you can implement it. Do you need more training, more resources, or do you just need to DO it?
I’d love to hear from you about how you have “acted large” in a way that produced great results. In business or personal relationships, it all counts towards the feeling of success.
Until then, keep your feet moving, chin up … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty