Ways to work on your real estate business from home during COVID-19
Over the past month we have been diving into ways that you can move your business forward a little more every day from home. Even the most seasoned agent is faced with a whole new world filled with new protocols and ways of thinking. In that sense, the playing field has leveled a little for you.
Here are ways that you can spin this complicated COVID-19 situation into an advantage. Here are the links to all 5 blogs. Read them now:
Part 1: Your future business lives in your phone right now. If you want to build a referral-based business, its foundation is in a ton of work, effort and intention. Let’s start now while we’re all working from home.
Part 2: Let’s have a look at the footing you’ve poured to build your business off of so that it’s rock solid when we get to the other side of the “Stay in Place” orders most of the nation has received.
Part 3: Let’s look at what the market could do and get prepped for the next 90 days. No one has a crystal ball as to what will happen in any given market. So, let’s spitball a few options.
Part 4: Here are some ways you can put the virtual world to work for you in your business.
Part 5: The Power of Collaboration. We are only as strong as those we keep around us. Who can you help elevate around you through partnership?
Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2020 - Shelley Zavitz Realty