An open letter to the #newrealtor365 tribe
We are just a few days away from heading into a new decade. As one does around this time of year, I was reflecting on all of you during my morning routine.
The last six months after publishing the book have been nothing short of astonishing to me. It sold out of its first run in less than three weeks when Harriman House first published it. The book consistently ranks in the top 5 on Amazon’s Real Estate section. The audiobook was nominated for a SOVAS award which, even now, seems incredible. Natalie Stanfield’s narration was bar none. It was better than I ever could have imagined.
Podcasters, hosts, publications, managing brokers, CEOs, and influencers have all reached out to us in an effort to start the conversation on how we can better support the entry of new agents into our industry. They genuinely want to know. You are doing that. We are doing that. I’m energized by it. Are you?
I was thinking back to the reason why I wrote this book in the first place. I wanted to reach back to try and help others in a way that I was so fortunate to receive my rookie years. I wrote it from a place of empathy because I know how hard the path you’re on is. I also know it won’t last forever if you do the work. Everything you want is already here.
You’ve all responded in a way that warms me to my core. Your handwritten notes, your social media posts, and support of each other is the thing I am most proud of. I’ve read and responded to every single one. I really get the sense that we are building a community here.
I wanted to take this space to say thank you. Not just from me, but from all the people that you’re impacting in our industry who will come after you. And if I could impose one thing on you for 2020, if you have the opportunity to pay it forward and help someone who is stuck, please do.
To the entire team that has been working tirelessly to help launch this project, from social media to web design to just spit-balling new ideas to better the industry, we are nowhere without you. The energy and passion you bring to this have not gone unnoticed. It takes an army to influence change. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting us here.
With unmeasurable gratitude,
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty