The Black Belt of Real Estate

I read somewhere it can take about 5 years to become a “first-degree level” black belt in Karate. To achieve it, you have to complete 300 class hours, continuous training for a minimum of 36 months, and place top 3 in five tournaments.

If you want to be the grand-master-daddy of all Karate black belts, you would get your “fifth-level” belt. To get all the way there, you need to invest 2,200 class hours, somewhere between 8-10 years of training, and be certified as a teacher.

If you think on it, to be the best at anything, one must spend the hours it takes to mold the craft through the school of hard knocks. Or in this case, kicks to the head.

Applying this to real estate, it would stand to reason that you will also spend some days holding a trophy for a job well done, and other times unable to peel yourself from a sweaty mat.

Don’t linger on defeats or victories, because this business will keep you humble.  It wasn’t too recently that I was in a listing appointment with my Mentor. Here I am thinking I’ve got some notches on my belt and I’m not the novice real agent I was before. And then I listened to her for about five minutes. ::Cue the humility::

She’s been in the business for 23 years. She HAS her “fifth-level black belt” in Real Estate. She schooled me six ways to Sunday that day. I was learning just as much as my client and it made me sick in my guts.

“Man, I’m not as experienced” spoke up in my negative beliefs as a feeling of I am not as good of an agent. Which is just not true. No one comes with more hustle or heart, resourcing or caring, than I do. Now, do I need to learn more about buried oil tanks on residential land? Perhaps.

My Mentor knows these things because she’s done her 2,200 hours (or more) of classes. My message to you today is, when you get schooled, get back to school. Be of the mindset that you are learning a craft and we can’t all just plug into the mainframe of the Matrix and learn Karate.  


1.     Identify one area/specialty you are not versed on. Sign up for a class, schedule a coffee with someone who does know and learn it by Sunday. Face that weakness head on this week!

Here’s to becoming Real Estate Black Belts one week at a time. Stick with me this year. I’ll share what I’ve learnt and you do the same! Leave a comment below if you have a positive item to pass along.

Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.


To start working on your black belt of real estate, visit OnTrack Agent and get started!


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