Master of None
In the book, “Your First 365 Days In Real Estate”, there is an entire chapter about marketing. In fact, I think every real estate book I’ve ever read talks about marketing. They use buzz phrases like “top of mind”, and “traction”.
Honestly, who really cares. If you have no idea what makes you different from the 50 other realtors who live on your street, you’ll achieve none of those things.
Before you roll out the big marketing push this spring, I ask you, what makes you remarkable? What do you do better than anyone else around you? It’s true, your experience meter is sitting at zero. But outside of days-on-the-job, what qualities or past experiences do you bring to the table that you do better than anyone else?
1. Take out a paper and write your name in the middle. Draw a circle around it. Then start brainstorming. Maybe you’re Type A efficient. Or super social. Maybe you’re incredible at sniffing out mold. Get crazy. Write it all down.
2. Put it aside for an hour and do something else.
3. Come back and read everything you wrote down. Is there one, or two things that are kind of the same? Is there an overall theme that these points are telling you?
I bet by the end of the exercise you’ll find the thing that makes you a little different. This is the very first step of creating your marketing. Without it, you’re just like anybody else sending out a flyer about a house no one cares about.
We’ll get into what to do next. But for now, work on this exercise until you have it right in your mind. I’d love to hear what you came up with. Everyone will be different, that’s what makes this exercise so great.
Until then, keep your feet moving, chin up … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty