Poppin' By

If you’ve read my book “Your First 365 Days in Real Estate” you’ll know that this real estate practice is tough on me. You’ll also know that it is essential that you do them. The first year I started this practice I had seven deals in escrow three months later.

Pop bys!

A pop by is when you bring a gift to your clients. You’re just poppin’ by to leave them something nice.

The purpose of a pop by is to:

  • Do something pretty great for the people you like and who have trusted you with their business.

  • Remind your sphere you are waiting by your post to be of service to them or their friends.

  • Catch up on your audiobooks because you’ll be in your car for hours.  


  1. Set a plan for pop bys based on your budget for the rest of the year. I would suggest coming up with an idea that is light and useful. If you’re thinking food, keep common allergies in mind.

  2. Remember to include some branding and contact information.

  3. Follow up, follow up, follow up.

If you get stuck on ideas, look at the calendar of holidays coming up, or common life events such as kids going back to school. That should get your creative wheel turning.

Have you already installed the pop by practice into your business? How is it going? Has it helped you gain a better relationship with folks around you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment below.

Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.


Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty