Becoming the expert in your market
Before the invention of the GPS, New York City cab drivers used to have to take a “vigorous” 80-question test to get their taxi drivers license.* Back in the day, if you were to step into any yellow taxi and ask to go somewhere in the New York boroughs, chances are your driver knew not only how to get there, but how long it would take and any nuisances along the way.
Today, the taxi driver exam is 10 questions. Mandatory knowledge of the city is no longer a priority, because it is assumed that EVERYONE has access to the same information thanks to the internet. What no one is really asking though, is how does this change the experience of the rider? There’s something alluring about being in a car with someone that knows the fastest routes, tourist attractions, a history of a city you love, too.
It begs the question, are you the 80 question or the 10 question taxi driver in your business? Have you taken the time to study your town? Learnt the schools, and the cultural history of what makes up a neighborhood in your town? I wonder what kind of trust can be built just be sharing little known facts with your client?
One week per month this year, go to one neighborhood in your market.
Eat at their restaurants, walk in the shops and talk to people about why they love living/working there? Find out the nuggets of history and folk lore that has been passed down through the patrons there.
Apply these teachings on your tours.
I think you’ll find that what you can offer your clients is a much richer experience than any digital real estate company can ever hope to offer. Let me know what cool things you found out about in your town. Leave me a comment below.
Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.
*source - The New York Times article “In New Exam For Cabbies, Knowledge of Streets Takes a Back Seat.” Published March 8, 2015.
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