The Secret Society of Real Estate Agents
Real estate agents have a code. Even though we are representing opposing sides, there are just some things we have a secret handshake on. Because you’re new, it’s likely no one has let you in on the secrets of our service. So, allow me to the bring you into the “Dumbledore’s Army” of real estate agents.
How Pro Real Estate Agents Communicate:
Answer the phone – Look, you can’t accomplish an entire deal over text. Please, please, please answer your phone calls promptly. It makes us all look bad when communication is on pause for hours or days.
NEVER cc the other agent – Your client (as written in our ethics code) should never, ever speak or communicate with the other side. They have representation for a reason. All questions should go to you, and then you to the other agent. Resist the urge to consolidate communication.
Listen – There are times in a real estate deal when so many folks are expressing what they want that the possibility for compromise passes. Listen to the other side especially when negotiations get tough. There is ALWAYS a time in the deal where you can give a little to get a lot.
Email is an art – For all things holy and good, please, please do not fire off the F-U email when you’re frustrated. Use email to restate things that were already said verbally in an email. I use email as a “just to follow up on our conversation” and to deliver documents and that’s it.
Use the phone in tough times – Anything that’s written is missing cadence. Period. Text or email cannot communicate inflection. If you’re speaking with someone in person or on the phone, the other side can get a better sense of mood and harshness. If you need to communicate something difficult to the other side, pick up the phone.
Different teams, same goal – By far the most important thing I want to tell you and remind you of is this: you are working toward the same outcome. Someone wants to sell a house. Someone wants to buy one. The two roles of the agents are to help that happen. Our personalities are sometimes the biggest obstacles in a real estate deal. Your client is not going to win everything. The best agents know when to compromise.
There are so many agents out there that just don’t seem to get this. If you implement even half of this list, you will garner a very respected reputation in our industry.
Let’s keep adding to the list. Leave me a comment on things you’ve learnt that have made you an even better communicator and negotiator. Oh, and welcome to the club.
Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty