Using Personality Tests to Improve Client Relationships
You can have a whole lot, or just a little, but no matter who you are you’ve got a personality. It’s not rocket science. Remember that we are not all built the same and how we interact with one another, cope with things, and work through stresses are all very different depending on our personality.
If you haven’t dove into the wild world of personality tests, here’s your chance. My favorite three are:
Regardless of where you end up on the scale, the important thing to realize is, we all have built-in, born-with-it, totally habitual, innate characteristics. Which brings me to my point. Not everyone is going to think like you, respond like you, communicate like you or endure the same level of risk as you while buying or selling a home.
Pro Tip – when you are interacting with your clients, consider their personality type and what innate qualities they have that need your service. For instance, a six-tab spreadsheet given to an analytical personality is like sweet cocaine. To an entertainer, it’s like you’ve just strapped them to a Chinese water torture wheel and walked away.
People work with who they know, like and trust. If you’re speaking to their needs, wants, values, risk level and providing information they are craving, you are speaking their language.
Choose one test and take it.
Now that you know where your zone is in your dance space, research and study all of the possibilities.
Choose one of your current clients or a friend who is different from you.
Decide what personality type they are.
Now, consider how they need to be approached so that you can better serve them. Is it possible you’ve been going about it all wrong?
Write down 3 ways you can better communicate with their personality in the future so you can begin super-serving that relationship.
I’d love to hear what personality type you are and leave me a story about how you adjusted your mindset to be more inclusive to others who aren’t the same as you. Leave me a comment below!
Until then, chin up, keep your feet moving … and burn the white flag.
Copyright 2019 - Shelley Zavitz Realty